Upon opening the Actor, or Enemy Tab you will be greeted with the following screen.
Motions Settings:
Preview Motion:
In the Actor view, you can choose an actor, and setup specific ABS related data, the important thing, is to setup Motion Data, via the “Edit Motions” button( more on that later ). For now though, I will cover each of the abs specific settings for actors.
The top left is a preview box, where you can preview motions of the selected actor or enemy. You can choose an animation to preview from the “Preview Motion” drop down list.
Edit Motions:
Below that is the “Edit Motions” button, this allows you to add new motions, or edit existing motions( Click here to see how to properly configure motion data for your game! ).
Damage Settings:
Next are “Damage” related settings, here you can set I-Frames of an actor or enemy. To simplify, I-Frames( or Invincibility Frames ), is the amount of frames, the actor, or enemy, will be invincible for, after recieving damage from an opponent. 60 frames is equal to 1 second!
Touch Dmg(Enemy Only):
This next feature is exclusive to enemies, when this is enabled, if the enemy’s COLLIDER( defined by the Collision Altering Plugin, NOT hitboxes defined in the ABS tool ), makes contact with an opponent’s collider, damage will be dealt to the opponent via the formula of the enemy’s default attack skill.
When the checkbox is ticked, the character will be susceptible to the “hurt” animation defined via the “Edit Motion” button( if it exists ). The “Tolerance” value… is used in unison with the “Flinch Pressure” of skills and items. If the flinch tolerance of the character, is LESS THAN the flinch PRESSURE of the skill the character is hit with, then the “hurt” animation will be executed, but if the tolerance is GREATER than or equal to, the pressure of the skill, the animation will NOT be played.
When the checkbox is ticked, the enemy will be susceptible to being knocked back from skills or items. The tolerance works the same as flinch tolerance, if a skills knockback pressure is greater than or equal to the characters knockback tolerance, the character will be knocked back, otherwise, the knockback will not be applied!
AI & Sensory Settings:
NOTE: The sensory settings, are how far/wide an enemy can see, and how far it can hear, the green squares in the bottom right of the editor are a visual representation of these settings, each green square represents one tile size, the red semi-circle, is the representation of the field of view, AND distance of the enemy’s sight. The Blue Circle, is the representation of the enemy’s hearing distance.
AI Mode( Enemy Only ):
There are Three AI modes available for characters “None”, “Basic”, and “Smart”. When using “None”. When using “None” the enemy will essentially be a “lifeless” object. it will not move, or attack.
When using the “Basic” AI, after detecting an opponent, the enemy will move in a straight line toward the target to get within range to execute it’s attack. When moving it will NOT account for obstacles in the way, so it may get hung up on certain objects that may be in the way.
When using the “Smart” AI, after detecting an opponent, the enemy will intelligently search for a path to it’s target, in this way it will essentially avoid walking into walls, or obstacles, and will navigate around them, to get within range to attack the target.
Alternatively, you can define CUSTOM AI patterns for the “passive” mode of the enemy AI( when the enemy is NOT in combat ), AND you can ALSO define a custom “aggressive” mode for the enemy AI( the AI when the enemy is in combat ). To learn more about this, read the plugins help file!
Field of View( Enemy Only ):
This is the angular extent of what the enemy can see, this is visualized by the red semi-circle in the green box in the bottom right of the editor.
Distance( Enemy Only ):
This is the distance of what the enemy can see, this is visualized by the red semi-circle in the green box in the bottom right of the editor.
Hearing( Enemy Only ):
This is the distance at which the enemy can hear( this is used in tandem with the “Noise” value of each motion of opponents that can be heard. If the enemy can hear for a radius of 5 tiles, and the opponents “Noise” level for walking, is 50%, then the enemy will be able to hear the opponent when they are approximately 2.5 tiles away. however if the opponents RUN animation, is a “Noise” level of 100%, then the enemy will be able to hear the opponent at the full distance of 5 tiles away.
Alliance Settings:
Currently alliances are predefined, and NOT yet capable of being changed. This will be added at a later date.