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Rosedale ABS Tutorial – 2.5 [Motions] – Rosedale-Studios

Rosedale ABS Tutorial – 2.5 [Motions]

Upon clicking the “Edit Motins” button of a Actor, or Enemy, you will be greeted with the following screen!

I’ll go over each setting in the motion editor below, it may seem a bit overwhelming but, it’s relatively easy to use once you get the hang of it!

General Settings:

Data Name( unchangable ):

This is the name of the motion data, it is defined simply by Actor/Enemy ID + ‘-‘ + “Actor/Enemy Name. This is something that MAY be useful to some, as the motion system is essentially the exact same thing as my Character Motions Plugin! Which means that you can change motions of actors and enemies, in game at any time via plugin command!

Data Type:

This is the type of sprite sheet data that will be used, namely, whether the data contains 4 directional characters, 8 directional characters, OR is designed for a platformer game( this feature is not yet fully functional, it is NOT recommended to use this yet ).

Speed Mod:

This a modifier for the speed “move” aniamtions, animations like “walk” and “dash”. The greater the number, the faster the walk, and run( or “dash” ), animations will play!

Animation Settings:

Current Animation:

From the current animation, you can choose an EXISTING animation from the dro down list to configure, or, you can click the new button to add a new aniamtion, lastly, you can click the delete button to delete the currently selected animation from the drop down list. Note that ONLY CUSTOM animations can be deleted, you may NOT delete required motion data( any motion data that is requireed for the abs to function properly, such as idle, walk, dash, attack, skill, item, etc.., these motions are automatically created on all motions by default ).


This is the name of the motion, it is important to name it to something that is both specific to what it is, and also easy to remember, as you may call these at any time during the game, and custom animations can ALSO be defined for each skill/item, also be aware they ARE case sensitive, it is HIGHLY recommended to not use any capitals to keep things as simple as possible!


This is the image file that will be used for this motion, image files MUST be configured properly according to the type of data you are using! For Platformer Sprites, only a SINGLE row of a character facing right is required.

Below is an example of an “Idle” motion, for platformer mode.

Below is an example of an “Idle” animation for “4 Directional” mode.

Below is an example of an animation for “8 Directional” mode.


This determines how many frames are in this animation, the frames are the number of cells in the animation from left to right, in the above examples, there are 3 frames in the idle animation, as an example.


This determines how long( in frames per second, 60 = 1 second ) it takes for this animation to play from start to finish.


This allows you to adjust the position of the x and y of the current animation, this is useful for example if you have an animation where the characters feet do not touch the ground, you can easily adjust the Y offset, until the characters feet touch the red line at the bottom of the editor view!


When this box is checked, the animation will loop itself indefinitely! This can be useful for stuff like a dance animation that loops!


This will force the animation to be preloaded into memory at all times. If for example you have an animation that will occur constantly in your game, check this option!


This will cause the animation to move the character in a specific direction when this animation plays, this can be useful for stuff like maybe a “dodge” skill or a “roll” skill, where you want the player to move backwards, or forward when used.


This determines the speed of the movement when this animation plays( if Velocity is set ). 1, means that it will move at full speed anything lower will cause lower speeds.


This determines the rate at which the character loses speed when the animation plays( if velocity is applied ), if set to 1, the animation will stop immediately, if set to 0, the character will not slow down at all during the animation, it’s best to test this value till you find the value you athat fits your skill!


The name of the audio to play when the animation begins.


The volume level of the animation.


The pitch of the audio.


This does not affect the audio being played, instead, this is a setting that determines the amount of “nosie” this animation generates, this is used for the hearing of enemy AI, if the enemy can hear 5 tiles in radius, and the player is walking by the enemy, and the walk generates 50% noise level, then the enemy will only hear the player at a distance of 2.5 tiles!



The mode of the editor, the main box states what mode is currently used, the box with the circular arrow will change the mode! There are two types of modes, “hitbox” and “hurtbox” mode, this allows you to draw hitboxes/hurtboxes for the currently selected motion/direction/frame. For those unfamiliar with what hitboxes and hurtboxes are.. Hitboxes, are essentially reactagles, that determine where an attack can make contact with an opponent character, so, for an attack were an enemy is swinging a sword, you would draw hitboxes over where the sword slashes! Hurtboxes, are the opposite of hitboxes, hurtboxes, will determine where a character can be HURT. When a hitbox comes into contact with an opponents hurtbox, this means, the hit has connected!

Copy All:

This button allows you to copy ALL the hitboxes/hurtboxes on the current frame being edited.

Paste All:

This button allows you to paste all the hitboxes and hurtboxes copied via the “Copy All” button.

Delete All:

This will delete all the hitboxes/hurtboxes on the current frame.

Frame Selector:

The box at the bottom of the screen, is the “frame selector” fro this window, you can see the currently selected frame( center ), the previous frame( left ), and the next frame( right ), by clicking the arrows, you can move forward or backward a frame in the animation, this lets you go through every frame of the currently selected animation, and add hitboxes/hurtboxes accordingly.

Direction Selector:

This a preview window, that lets you preview the current animation in real time, however it ALSO lets you choose the direction the character is facing, this also changes the direction of the editor view! allowing you to assign unique hitboxes/hurtboxes to all possible directions.

Frame Window:

This window allows you to easily draw hitboxes/hurtboxes for the currently selected animation/direction/frame! you can draw hitboxes/hurtboxes by holding the left mouse button down, and dragging! You are able to zoom in via the mouse wheel, and pan around by holding the mouse wheel button and moving the mouse around! You can also copy and past individual hitboxes/hurtboxes, by clicking a box, and pressing ctrl + c and ctrl + v respectively, you can also delete hitboxes/hurtboxes by clicking a box, and pressing delete on the keyboard.

Box Editor:

From this window you can edit hitbox/hurtbox specific settings, after clicking on a specific hitbox, you can then edit it’s values in this view!


The priority of the hitbox/hurtbox determines the importance of a box, if multiple hitboxes make contact with a target, the hitbox/hurtbox with the highest priority will be used. This is useful for damage modifying boxes, or guard boxes.

Guard( Hurtbox only ):

When checked, if an enemy hits this particular hurtbox, damage will be completely blocked.


When checked, if this hitbox/hurtbox is the one that makes contact, it will FORCE the current attack to be a critical hit!

DMG %:

This is a damage modifier, if this hitbox/hurtbox makes contact, the damage will be multiplied by the value specified! I.E. if the damage dealt is 300, and the dmg % is set to 2, 300×2 = 600 damage.


This lets you manually manipulate the x, y, width, and height of the currently selected hitbox to pixel precision!

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